Document Types and Signals

Applies to: Direct | Capture

The following table shows document_type values and associated signals for the /start endpoint request body.

document_type ValueAssociated signals ValueDescription
na_dlidcheckSelect na_dl if you want to validate a North American driver license. It is the default value if no value is provided.

If you select na_dl, then include idcheck at a minimum in the signals array.
otherocr_scanSelect other if you want to validate a passport card, travel document, or other international document.

If you select other, then include ocr_scan at a minimum in the signals array.
passportocr_scanSelect passport if you want to validate a passport booklet.

If you select passport, then include ocr_scan at a minimum in the signals array.

In the table above, the Associated signals Value column includes the minimally suggested signals array value for eachdocument_type. For example, the first row shows na_dl as the document_type and idcheck as the associated signal. This means, at minimum, if you select na_dl as the document_type, then you should include idcheck in the signals array. The private_data request object might look like this:

  "private_data": {  
    "document_type": "na_dl", 
    "signals": [


Each request includes only a single document_type. You cannot include more than one document_type per request.