Understanding Multi-Signal Requests

Applies to: Direct | Capture

To understand whether a private_data object contains the correct signals for its document_type, look at each combination and ask yourself these questions. Is there only one document_type? Is it a valid or invalid combination? Is it an interdependent combination? If so, are the necessary interdependent signals included?

Consider the following private_data object.

  "private_data": {  
    "document_type": "na_dl",
    "signals": [

This signals array contains one document_type (na_dl), and it contains valid, interdependent signal combinations. Work down the list line by line:

  • na_dl with idcheck is a valid one-to-one combination.
  • na_dl with ocr_scan is a valid one-to-one combination.
  • na_dl with orc_match is an interdependent combination that requires both ocr_scan and idcheck.
  • na_dl with kyc is an interdependent combination that requires either ocr_scan or idcheck.
  • na_dl with criminal_background is an interdependent combination that requires either ocr_scan or idcheck.

The following illustration visually identifies these valid and interdependent combinations.

By evaluating each combination line-by-line to determine if it is valid, invalid, or interdependent, you can understand if a private_data object contains the correct signals for its document_type.