Wrong Document Type

Explains what happens if the selected document_type does not match the captured ID for a passport or international document.

You can submit one of three document_type values in the /start endpoint request body:

  • na_dl for a driver license
  • passport for a passport booklet or visa
  • other for another form of ID such as a permanent resident card


See Document Type Descriptions.

A mismatch occurs if the end user captures the wrong document type. The captured data does not match the requested document_type value.

Response data for a mismatch

When a mismatch occurs for a passport or other document type, then the extendedId response can vary. Two extendedId properties are affected: documentType and documentRecognized.

The following table summarizes the responses for each mismatched combination.

Driver License is CapturedPassport Book is CapturedAnother Form of ID is Captured (for Example, a Passport Card or a Permanent Resident Card)
na_dl is RequestedGoodUser cannot complete the process.User cannot complete the process.
passport is RequestedResponse returned with a documentType property value of null.GoodResponse returned with a documentType property value of null or a value other than Passport, such as Passport Card or Permanent Resident Card.
other is RequestedResponse returned with a documentType property value of null.Response returned with a documentRecognized property value of zero (0).Good

In the table, the first column represents the document_type request value. The remaining columns represent what was actually captured.

For example, if a request is made for a passport booklet (passport) but the end user mistakenly captures a driver license, then the extendedId response may contain a documentType property value of null.


If a mismatch occurs between the document_type requested and the form of ID actually captured, then the extendedId response object can be affected. In certain cases, the documentType and documentRecognized properties of extendedId will contain specific values depending on the mismatch combination.